With a new website for the new year, your school can really brighten up its image, always a help in attracting new parents. Not only that, used to its best effect, your website can replace much of the printed and duplicated material currently sent home with pupils or sent out by post.
No budget? No problem! With Webinthebox? from The Village Websmith, there is a new pay as you go option that dramatically reduces the cash outlay for a new website. For a typical school Webinthebox? site, such as St Peter's Primary School, South Weald, this costs just ?30 per month - a pound a day! OK, we ask for the first 6 months in advance, but then you pay nothing until month 7. That is purely because all our costs are incurred at the beginning of the process, so smoothing out cashflow helps us keep costs down.
Already got a website? No problem! Starting with a facelift, we can take over the management of your existing site, adding our own content management system, keeping the bits you like and updating the bits you don't like in the process.
So What Does the School Get For Its Money?