It is just three weeks tomorrow before our Website Surgery in Monmouth. If you would like to know how your website is performing, and get free advice on how to make it perform better, get your skates on!
Although we like to keep things as informal and simple as possible, we are asking visitors to book their time slot so that everyone gets the time and attention they need to get the full picture.
The surgery is free to attend for all members of the Monmouth & District Chamber of Trade and Commerce, so get your booking in by phoning 07703 290243 or email me and I will look forward to seeing you there.
Putting your website through the WARS will give you information about:
- Getting found. How your site performs in search engines.
- Getting your message across. How much impact does your message have?
- Message positioning and structure. How easy is it for visitors to see the most important content?
- Use of images. Are they relevant? High quality? Too big? Too small? Do they load quickly?
- Mobile friendliness. How does your site look on a phone? How about a tablet?
- Improvements. Effective recommendations that are either free or very cheap to implement
- The future. Every visitor gets a copy of "Ten things every business can do to improve website performance".
Bridges Community Centre has great facilities, plenty of parking space and is easy to find at Drybridge House, Wonastow Road, Monmouth NP25 5AS.